Rodney Creech – Campaign Flyer #1

I received my first Rodney Creech for Preble County Commissioner campaign flyer yesterday.  I’ve been told there will be more and I will post them if I receive them. I am going to also include a Rodney Creech and David Wesler page links (when time allows) at the top of the page so the info can more easily be found.

I've met Rodney and he is a nice friendly guy who has shown up to both commission Q&A sessions and had some nice letters to the editor in the paper. Rodney is a Twin Township Trustee, married to Preble County Recorder Jeannie Dudas Creech and a member of the Preble County Development Partnership. Rodney is running as a Republican in the May 6 primary and has stated he is a conservative. His opponent (Dave Wesler) while reportedly initially accepting the invitation to the Taffy’s event latter declined to attend and chose to fly to the Dominican Republic instead of attend the Q&A at the Liberty Group meeting. There are videos of both Q&A sessions.

So here are a couple questions for Rodney that you can ask him or he can email me his answers and I will post them:

1: As a conservative; could you name one or more local taxes that you are against all together or would vote to cut if elected?

2: At the Preble County Liberty Group meeting you were asked to be specific on how you would pay for new employees at the Sheriff’s office.  Could you be more specific as your answer was along the line that the money could have come from the money spent on Goose Creek and massaging the General Fund?

Here is my concern with question #2; You are on video stating your decision to run was made three years ago. I and a number of others were quite involved with the opposition to the Goose Creek issue and you were not one in that group, we took a lot of flak from the commission at the time. You were and still are a member of the Preble County Development Partnership that was in favor of the project. So…

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3: Why didn’t you speak out publically one way or the other at the time?


4: What tax are you against that your opponent is for?


As stated; email me your answers and I will post them.

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