Wesler or Creech? – My Review

I was going to spend some time creating a couple pages on the county commission candidates but I will consolidate it with one post.  Any candidate is welcome to join the forum and post a response here or on Facebook.  I’ve taken public stances for many of the recent county issues on my website, letters to the editor, public meetings and also reviewed & posted commission audio for 6 2/3 years until this January 2014. I have probably missed some positive and negatives for both candidates but this is a start and it can be added to.

Dave Wesler has been a commissioner for 3 terms and 12 years, he has a record and has taken positions on issues that can be reviewed.

Dave is the only commissioner that has been in office for all three rounds of Goose Creek.  Dave also has an unfortunate habit of claiming there is a difference between taxes and fees that is complete BS but again he can be held accountable favorably or unfavorably for those actions. Three years ago Dave voted against raising the license plate tax. Dave also voted against the decision to build the leachate line to Lakengren and questioned the scoring system that saw Camden finish second.  My view is that the scoring system was flawed and if economic development is important the line should have gone to Camden.

Over the years Dave has formed relationships with many elected and non-elected officials. This can be a good thing when trying to bring funds to the county. It can be a bad thing when it becomes necessary to recuse from votes on important issues because of those relationships. Dave recused himself from the decision making process of picking a developer at Goose Creek and last year from a committee for development of the Stateline.

Dave claimed other commitments and did not show at either of the two local forums for this election to take questions from voters.

On the plus side (there is a plus side) Dave is essentially responsible for starting the electric aggregation agreements that have saved the county and residents in the communities that have passed it considerable money that they can now spend on something besides their electric bill. If your community or township has not passed this program by vote then you have no one to blame but you local community or township leadership.  I say that because Dave also urged the other commissioners to have the county pick up half of the tab of putting electric aggregation on the local ballot if it passed. This could save the local community money and your local leadership should have been out there selling that fact to you.  If they did not you need new local leadership or maybe just officials who will lead instead of claiming to be a leader.

Dave also initiated the medical savings card program which can save county residents money on their prescriptions. This program is like that of some other community based organizations with one big difference – the county is not taking the financial kick-back (usually $1) and the additional savings are passed on to those using the card.  Some organizations use the $1 kick-back as a fund raiser; the county thanks to Dave’s recommendation does not.


Rodney Creech is challenging Dave Wesler. Rodney is a Twin Township Trustee, married to Preble County Recorder Jeannie Dudas Creech and is a member of the Preble County Development Partnership – serving on that organization’s Executive Committee.  

Rodney’s campaign flyer states: new vision and energy – better community representation – better planning for Preble County.

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Rodney also has an unfortunate habit of claiming there is a difference between taxes and fees that is complete BS.

I have made videos of two “meet the candidates’ nights” and Rodney has showed and taken questions at both. Rodney has stated on video that he decided to run for county commission three years ago. There are links to the videos on the right side of the website for those that want to review them.

Twin Township has not passed the electric aggregation and my feeling on that is it reflects a lack of leadership.  Rodney has stated that a person can get a better deal on electric by themselves.  That may be true to a point but when a group such as a village or township bands together they set a low group rate that has to be beat.  

Three years ago Rodney supported raising the license plate tax that Dave voted against (Rodney refers to it as a user fee).  If it was a user fee then everybody using the county roads would pay it and obviously there are vehicles on county roads that are from outside the county.

Rodney has stated he has questions on Goose Creek and claims that the money used on the project could have been used for paying an additional Sheriff’s deputy.  I agree the money could have been used on many other things.  However; anyone who decided three years ago to run for county commissioner and was also a member of the Preble County Development Partnership should have gotten involved at the time.  The public information meeting at National Trail Schools was held in mid August 2012 and there were a lot of people that attended, spoke and asked questions; where was Rodney? Did he speak? Did he ask questions? No, he did not.  Plenty of private citizens were involved and informed.  Plenty of citizens wrote letters to the editor and to state officials – where was Rodney? My view is that leadership should be about taking part at the time an issue is being decided.  Those that took part have every right to hold Dave accountable but again; where was Rodney?

On the Leachate line issue the Preble County Development Partnership (a group tasked with economic development) did not take a public position.  Plenty of people did, many wrote letters to the editor in favor of the Camden route.  Where was the Partnership when their support could have been used and possibly made a difference?


I am sure more could be added to both reviews.  If you come in contact with either candidate and they mention adding employees, raises for employees or new projects ask them to provide specifics in writing on where the funding is going to come from. As voters you deserve answers. If you want change then vote for it but you should also ask for specifics on what would be done differently.

Also, Eric White is collecting signatures to run as an Independent in the fall. If you would like another choice give him a call at 533-9600. He may only run if Dave wins so ask him about that also.

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