Pork Fest Lawsuit – Economic Development Update – Who Will Administer the Preble County Development Partnership

The Pork Fest lawsuit was the subject of an Executive Session and as a result there is not much more than that to report about it.

File 3 had Preble County Auditor Mindy Robbins in for her Financial Update and she reported the cash balance as of November 19, 2010 was $2,887,005.20. I believe that total is the largest total I can remember from the last few years.  It was not that long ago that she was reporting hope for an $800,000 – $1,200,000 end of year balance.  She did state that her projection in mid October was for $1,700,000. Obviously there is still time left for the balance to fall, so for comparison sake I have included totals from 2009 that can be found on this website.

Cash balance as of November 6, 2009 – $1,724,755.94

Estimate for November 30, 2009 $1,609,207

Started December 2009 with cash fund balance of $1,616,434.72

$1,405,692.74 as of December 11, 2009.

File 5 had Preble County Economic Development Director Shawnda Combs in for the ED update.  She reported that the new economic development websites preblecountyregion.org & preblecountyregion.com had received 7000 hits in the first 24 hours and that the Partnership webpage had 100 hits. I averaged over 30 days that would be a total of 210,000 hits. For comparison the January of 2009 that this website went active it had 308,000 hits.

Shawnda reported that work is continuing on 12 more testimonials for the area. This is a nice idea and feature but these combined in total with the current crop are probably a bit more than anyone outside the Partnership will watch.

File 6 had Andrew Booker of the Ohio EPA in to discuss a deficiency in the recycling education in Preble County.  This was an interesting meeting that unfortunately had the continuing poor audio issue that occurs when the commissioners move down to the conference table.

File 7 covers a number of budget topics including Sheriff’s Department, Extension and Soil & Water.

File 8 is of interest because it highlights what is obviously a continuing issue of who really is in charge of the Preble County Development Partnership.

Let me say there is a need for an effort to promote economic development in Preble County. I say that because it has become standard procedure to take any question of what the heck is going on and turn it into an excuse to bash the person asking questions as anti whatever the current Partnership issue is. Before I continue let’s put things on a field of play that this Commission and the Partnership can understand, take the time to google: Preble County Development Partnership. What website has the first three slots?  Before any attacks on me start, earlier this year a person told me I would be marginalized.

The feature comment is by Preble County Commission President Bob Stonecash and has him objecting to the final sentence in a “letter of intent” from the Partnership. He reads that sentence into the record and it is this: "The Preble County Development Partnership is a 501c3 foundation administered by the Preble County Chamber of Commerce."

I agree, with the comments Bob makes on this subject and they can be found and listened to below.  Ideally it should be as Bob states but the facts as they pertain to the origin of the Partnership give credence to the statement Bob objects to. It is an issue that at this late date reflects poorly on the effort. The sentence was obviously put there by someone. It reflects the Articles of Incorporation and yet will be a red flag to other areas of the county. Anyone looking at the PrebleCountyRegion website will notice the emphasis on Goose Creek and the absence of any mention of the Stateline. Somehow there is an ability to take a google earth picture of Exit 10 and put it on a county website but not of Exit 156B?

Actions or lack of speak louder than words or County websites.

The county has given a $100,000 commitment to the Partnership and for that kind of money there should be an emphasis on the whole county. This Partnership Board is skewed to the eastern half of the county. Don’t come talking of one big happy family and then tell me the only representative from my area is a School Superintendent that lives in Ross, Ohio.

For background, here is a link to the papers filed with the Secretary Of State for 501c3 status on behalf of the Preble County Development Partnership Inc.   PCDP  (pdf file)

Skip on over to page 4 (listed as page 3). What the heck here is a .jpg of the page:

Preble Development-4.jpg

The statutory agent for the Partnership is listed as Matthew J. Appenzeller of Cincinnati. Matt is the Executive Director of the Preble County Chamber of Commerce. Before being renamed, some of you old timers knew it as the Eaton Chamber of Commerce. Matt and Shawnda Combs both have non-voting seats on the Partnership Board.

Preble Development-2.jpg

This group had their coming out at a meeting held at SILFEX in April, another PR splash over having raised an admirable amount of $750,000 in July. They have a fine mission statement but not one inch of landfill leachate pipeline has been laid and not a peep out of the Partnership. Once again here is the Preble County Commission scoring on the issue.

Jan 10 leachate scoring.jpg

Let me say there is a need for an effort to promote economic development in Preble County and I say that because it has become standard procedure to take any question of what the heck is going on and turn it into an excuse to bash the person asking questions as anti whatever the current Partnership issue is. Let’s put things on a field of play that this Commission and the Partnership can understand, take the time to google: Preble County Development Partnership. What website has the first three slots?  Before any attacks on me start, earlier this year a person told me I would be marginalized.

Please take the time to review the information available, if you have something to add I would like to hear from you.

File 10 has the first mention of a new department to be titled Land Use and Development. It is a subject that takes up most of the rest of the day. Who controls GIS and more provides some interesting discussions.

Preble County, Ohio

County Commissioners

November 24,  2010

Meeting audio and review

Three Commissioners in attendance

File 1








End 6.10 minute mark on CD – 1.41 MB

File 2


6.25 minute mark    Katie moves to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss the lawsuit.

6.75 minute mark    Exit EXECUTIVE SESSION

7.55 minute mark on cd  

8.23 minutes –  1.92 MB

File 3


8.75 minute mark    Meeting starts

Sales tax again came in better than estimated.

11 minute mark    November 19, 2010 Cash Balance – $2,887,055.20 ***


Mindy: Cash balance as of November 6, 2009 – $1,724,755.94

Estimate for November 30, 2009 $1,609,207

Started December 2009 with cash fund balance of $1,616,434.72

$1,405,692.74 as of December 11, 2009.


Conveyance Fee (transfer tax) for November – $5,273.20

12.75 minute mark    Mindy (on end of year balance) "I had earlier indicated 1.7 (million)….

15.25 minute mark    Commissioner Wesler – but not nearly as low as what you a few months ago said possibly $800,000 – $1.2 million this year?

Mindy – What I was saying is that we strive for the 800,000 but 1.7 is what I had gave you in mid to late October. It was right in that time frame.

21.3 minute mark on cd  

13.5 minutes –  3.16 MB

File 4






24.45 minute mark   TRAVEL REQUEST (NOT ON AGENDA)

Resolution #598 Mindy Robbins County Auditor Winter Conference – Cost not to exceed $204

27 minute mark   Shawnda Combs running late with a meeting. Dave Wesler asks Stacey (Register Herald) if she has any questions.

Holiday plans discussion.

30.6 minute mark on cd  

9.16 minutes –  2.12 MB

File 5


31.5 minute mark  meeting begins.

Project review.

35 minute mark   P&G – Lewisburg discussion

36.9 minute mark   With in 24 hours the website had received over 7000 hits. 100 hits for Partnership.

Dayton Business First and talk of Partnership joining.

38.75 minute mark   Over 90% of SILFEX product is exported

Working on 12 testimonials videos for the area.

39.75 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – I took a look at the website last evening it's just excellent so. Preble County should be proud we have a website like we do.

Testimonials will appear on website.


41 minute mark on cd  

10.27 minutes –  2.39 MB

File 6


*** POOR AUDIO ***   better with headphones

44 minute mark    Meeting begins

45.25 minute mark    Recycling

50 minute mark  Discussion on Education Specialist.

51.5 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – question on need for need for full time specialist.

53. minute mark   Commissioner Wesler – Basically what you are saying is as long as we can achieve our goals that are in the plan, no matter how we do that, if we can use the Director or a part time person or a second full time person. You don't really care about that.

Andrew Booker – Well close, from our prospective this is more than just "We'll accomplish these things."  That is the most important thing obviously but the nature of the process is really supposed to.. it is kind of like the permit for the landfill it is supposed to lay out how you are going to accomplish these things. It is impossible, I just cannot say. You r plan says you are going to have a full time coordinator, that is very clear, (garbled )that is what the plan says. garbled  .. the plan says what it says. The most important thing is to get those things accomplished, education program accomplished. I think there are things you could do short of a full time coordinator.

Commissioner Wesler – That is what we are looking at, even though it is in middle of the plan. We have a plan here in the county and we have had to alter that plan to and we have done some severe things to try and alter that.

57  minute mark   Many companies moving aggressively to waste reduction. Most landfills have seen a 10 – 15% reduction in tonnage because of recession.

58.5  minute mark   David Wesler on flow control and 50 year life span of landfill.

Booker reports that average in Ohio is now about 30 years. Decreasing number of landfills with increasing capacity.

1 hr. minute mark   Andrew Booker – I suspect you will continue to see declines in waste receipts over the next five years, even as the economy picks up. Increased diversion and composting.

1 hr. 1.5  minute mark   Not spending as much time in the schools and focusing more on time with the businesses, with the communities and civic groups and so on. Making sure recycling infrastructure is in place.

1 hr.  2.75 minute mark   Commissioner Wesler – Please tell us as we go through this and do more research and find out exactly do you need; Is the Director will handle everything a 100% or do you need a part time person or another full time. How do we approach you if we alter this plan?

Andrew Booker – Well

Commissioner Day – I think what he is saying is; We can't alter this plan.

Andrew Booker – Correct.

Commissioner Day – Correct me if I am wrong the plan's in place. It basically states what we, what your telling us is, is that if we can accomplish our goals with less and continue to do that, we're probably ok?

Andrew Booker – Correct.

Commissioner Day – No if we are not accomplishing our goals… the first thing they are going to say is you didn't have the proper people personnel in place and here is one of your deficiencies. So we are at fault.

Andrew Booker – And frankly we have already in our review of the annual report at the District. You know we already identified the lack of some those education programs… so we are already been on record citing concerns that you are not doing in Preble County.

Commissioner Day – … what are the issues that need to be addressed?

1 hr.  4.25 minute mark   Andrew Booker – Well let me ask you this from my prospective this kind of leads us somewhat into special garbled personnel matters. I'm wondering if there is

Commissioner Day? – I would entertain a motion to go in to EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss employment of a county employee.

Commissioner Wesler – second


1 hr.  5.2 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – she didn't call in sick or anything did she?

Connie – no

Andrew Booker – I got her phone number.

1 hr.  5.8 minute mark  Commissioner Day – It's about three miles down the road

1 hr.  7.25 minute mark  Connie – I'll give you a call and set up a training session.

1 hr.  8 minute mark  Commissioner Wesler – on cell phone call and leaving a message to "Tisha" and it being 10 after 12:00 here Wednesday. Asks for a call back.

We at our website provide free robertrobb.com on line cialis samples without paying or making any payment.
1 hr.  9 minute mark on cd  

28 minutes –  6.41 MB

File 7


1 hr.  9.75 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – Ok, Ms. Crowell, what do you have?

1 hr.  10.75 minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – I don't know how we ever get anything accomplished.

Decision to order food in and get her done.

1 hr.  14 minute mark   FIVE MINUTE BREAK – RECESS

Back and discussion on Sheriff's budget. Total request was $3,676,779.  $95,679 removed if no detective and no raises for non union employees. Brings total down to $3,581,100.

1 hr.  24 minute mark   Cell phone vibrating.

1 hr.  24.5 minute mark   Recorder and money ($10,000) for a part time person.

Something about someone retiring.

1 hr.  25.75 minute mark   Connie – monies for contracts for Board members, the zoning department were not included in last year's budget. So we need to get that included..

Commissioner Stonecash – Why didn't she include it in last's year's budget?

Connie – I don't know.

Commissioner Stonecash – She's only been on it 40 years. Moving on.

Commissioner Day – chuckling in background.

Commissioner Stonecash – (whispering) I want her to know garbled

1 hr.  26.5 minute mark   Connie – We are placing Extension back down to the FY10 appropriation of 44,597.71. They had originally requested 104,389 so I guess I need to inform Pat, that we only want to include one FTE. Is that correct?

Commissioner Stonecash – one mmhh (yes)

1 hr.  27.25 minute mark   Connie – Whatever this year's arrangements were you want to have happen in 2011, right?

Commissioner Wesler– Yes

Connie – Soil & Water, I believe their amount is the same.

Commissioner Stonecash – …strike the raises.

Soil & Water discussion

1 hr.  32.75 minute mark   Commissioner Wesler– Our desire is for them to not give raises..

1 hr.  33.75 minute mark   Soldiers Relief and Veterans Services

Fully funding the Tax Map Department

1 hr.  34.75 minute mark   Economic Development Department increase appropriations by $59,448.75

1 hr.  35 minute mark   Clerk of Courts budget needs to be recalculated, should reduce his request.

Commissioner Wesler – It is very nice the cooperation we are getting from the departments.

Commissioner Stonecash – The cooperation we have got from all offices has been excellent and we appreciate it.

1 hr.  37.25  minute mark   Phone vibrating again.

1 hr.  39 minute mark on cd  

30.01 minutes –  6.87 MB

File 8

1 hr.  39.75  minute mark   APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS

1 hr.  41.50  minute mark  Connie – This is the letter of intent to the Preble County Development Partnership.

Commissioner Stonecash – They had us down last night in the directory for a figure, which is probably very close.

Connie – I got $95,938.70

1 hr.  43.25  minute mark  Commissioner Stonecash – I object to the final sentence. "The Preble County Development Partnership is a 501c3 foundation administered by the Preble County Chamber of Commerce."  I appreciate this statement by Commissioner Stonecash but the inclusion of that sentence shows  the thought process of the leadership or at least the decision makers of the Preble County Development Board, the Preble County Chamber (former Eaton Chamber) and its Executive Director who has a non-voting seat on the Development Partnership Board.  This wording is the crux of why New Paris, Camden and other areas continue to be very wary of participation in this organization. No matter how well intentioned the wording of the "mission statement". The issue of who is in control keeps recurring and despite repeated assurances to the contrary this is still a point of regular contention and should be unacceptable too much of Preble County.  

Commissioner Stonecash – I do object to that. That should not be in there.

Connie –  how do you put that in there like that, no that should not

Commissioner Stonecash – It is not administered, the Preble County Development Partnership is a standalone organization. I won't sign it until that is discussed.

Connie – Ok, focus on the second paragraph here where it says the county will also be responsible for the establishment of an Office of Economic Development including but not limited to furnishings and job related office equipment. The total financial commitment is valued at blank per year beginning in 2010 through 2015. You know our figure is only going to go up because it should because I think there are plans of having maybe a part time employee over there. We know that our figure is going to go up.

Commissioner Stonecash – Correct, I think we kind of understand that.

Connie – Ok

Commissioner Stonecash – And the Partnership, it could be that the partnership would fund part of that position. If we so desire, I don't that we I don't know what our feelings are at this time.

Connie – Maybe I shouldn't have said that because if you look at this renovation is a onetime thing and so is the salary and equipment for 2010. We know that the rent is always going to be there and we know that a budget is always going to be there for the ED Director.

1 hr.  45  minute mark  Commissioner Day – I think the general statement is we're looking at about a hundred thousand dollars per year commitment. For us to sit here and say three years from now what all that money would be going for, that's impossible.

Commissioner Stonecash – I hope you guys agree with me but that last sentence is is just not right. It is not administered by the Preble County Chamber of Commerce. That allows them to take out an "Administrative Fee" every year. When there is a Board of Directors that has a Treasurer, a Secretary, a President and a Vice President that should administer the funds. You guys agree?

Commissioner Day – Yeah I mean on that the ahh statement shouldn't be on there because that can change. Ahm you know if the Partnership Board decides to make a decision that the would like to see the Chamber do some of that, that's fine but they could pick another organization.

Commissioner Stonecash – Well and the Chamber isn't any different than we are, they are a support agency for the economic development office.

Commissioner Day – I mean that statement could just as well read ahh The Foundation is ahh or the ahh partner the Partnership is all funds are directed to Department of Economic Development over seen by the county.

Commissioner Stonecash – That's right.

1 hr.  46.75  minute mark   Commissioner David Wesler – Well Bob are you talking about this at your next meeting or anything?

Commissioner Stonecash –  I'm going to talk about it as soon as I get a hold of somebody to talk to.

Connie – Ok, I will wait to hear back from you then.

1 hr.  50.25 minute mark on cd  

11.15 minutes –  2.57 MB

File 9

1 hr.  57  minute mark   $28 Pizza delivery

Move to go into Executive Session to discuss the employment of a public employee (or eat pizza)


Commissioner Stonecash – Connie would contact the Engineer, the Auditor and the Sheriff to see if they would be available for a 3:00 meeting concerning our plan of Land Use and Development to be located in the first floor of the Courthouse. With the Commission funding 40%, the Auditor funding 30%, the Engineer funding 30% where GIS Department will come under our jurisdiction and employment. We will move Tax Map down stairs and the office is to include Zoning, Tax Map, GIS and Building Regs. Is that the way you guys

Commissioner Wesler – I agree with that.

Connie – .. include Mellissa Wallace.

Commissioner Stonecash – … see if she would be available…

2 hr. 0 minute mark  Discussion of Sheriff's letter.

2 hr. 3.2 minute mark    RECESS UNTIL 3:00

2 hr.  3.2 minute mark on cd  

13 minutes –  2.97 MB

File 10

Land Use and Development Department – MEETING

Recurring Audio issue of meetings held at table in Commission Chamber (May require headphones)

2 hr. 4.25 minute mark    Commissioner Stonecash – Thanks for coming… presents proposal.

Extended discussion on location of offices and control of employees.

2 hr. 19.5 minute mark    Some what contested view of process. The word "rash" is used.

2 hr. 27 minute mark    Commissioner Stonecash – What you are saying that it is for the convenience of everybody concerned that Tax Map stay where it is.

Steve Simmons – Can you give me the rationale behind the 40 30 & 30 percentages?

Commissioner Stonecash – It is just what we thought worked.

2 hr.  30 minute mark on cd  

26.56 minutes –  6.16 MB

File 11


2 hr. 30.5 minute mark    Mindy Robbins proposes Auditor's office out in 45% and Commission 35%. He remains her employee but continues to cross train.

2 hr. 33 minute mark    Discussion of pay increase for Shawn.

2 hr. 34.25 minute mark    Mindy comments on change every two years… working with her office seems to be easier with communities than with the county commissioners.

2 hr. 39 minute mark    Mindy again makes 45% offer for GIS.

2 hr. 41 minute mark    Mindy Robbins not comfortable with GIS under commission control.

2 hr. 42.25  minute mark    Commissioner Day – ….the goal here is the end result is to get more efficient for everybody across the board, with some redundancy.

2 hr. 56.75  minute mark    Commissioner Wesler – How many months a year is Tony on weights and measures?

2 hr. 56.5  minute mark   Auditor Mindy Robbins ..75% of the time he is doing that

2 hr. 56.75  minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – Just for my information… how many hours a week does he spend on GIS?

Auditor Mindy Robbins –  (garbled poor audio) let's get somebody out there to the villages and townships and start charging more with the GIS… that is going to help promote all the stuff that this county can benefit from ….. To answer your question directly, I can't answer it.

3 hr.  minute mark on cd  

30.0 minutes –  6.87 MB

File 12

Discussion continues and (so does poor audio with back ground noise)

It would be interesting to know why the sound of vehicles on the street outside is often the same as the voice in the room.

3 hr.  12  minute mark   Discussion turns to Thanksgiving.

3 hr.  13.75 minute mark on cd  

13.45 minutes –  3.14 MB

File 13

Poor audio

3 hr.  13.75  minute mark   Discussion with Sheriff on replacement of cars.

3 hr.  17.25  minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – so in your letter here you are hoping that we can find the money to replace one vehicle?

Hoping to buy two.  

3 hr.  21.25 minute mark on cd  

7.3 minutes –  1.71 MB

File 14

3 hr.  21.25  minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – I tell you what none of us was aware of Tax Map.

Commissioner Day – Between the Engineer, the Auditor and the Commissioners we came up with a Turkey.

3 hr.  22.25  minute mark   Commissioner Wesler – Do you want to discuss it further Bob in Executive Session?

Moves to go into EXECUTIVE SESSION to talk about possible employment of a county employee.

3 hr.  23  minute mark   out of session.

Commissioner Stonecash – Connie would you in reference to our plan on the Office of Land Use and Development, would you program 40% for us? 30 from the Auditor, 30 from the Engineer? So that you may proceed with the budget.

3 hr.  24.5  minute mark   Commissioner Stonecash – Just a quick note and this is from Mindy, she knows of a resident who will soon be celebrating their 100th birthday. She is hoping that we will give a proclamation… what information do we need…

3 hr.  25.75  minute mark  Connie – Resolution 607 – transfer of funds. When I made out the payroll for Debra's payout it was 45.21 hours….


3 hr.  27.5 minute mark on cd  

6.20 minutes –  1.45 MB

The audio files will remain up for only a limited amount of time. If they are needed please email.

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